Mandi called me and told me that I've been tagged. I really didn't know what that was until now - so "tag" I'm it!
1. Post these rules.
2. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
3. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
Six huh?????.....
1. I, like Mandi, do not like Utah drivers! They would rather kill you than slow down to the speed limit or always try to get ahead of the other guy, weaving in and out etc.
2. I like to put salsa or spaghetti sauce on my salad instead of the usual dressings.
3. I just found a new homemade ice cream that I love - made with coconut milk! Num!!!
4. I love giving Relief Society lessons on Sunday.
5. I love keeping a clean house.
6. I love to see what
"I" call a "good" movie.
As for the list of
6 people......hmmmm......
The only ones that I know have a Blog would be Mandi and Jenilyn and they've been tagged once already - unless they want to do it again.
Shane (I noticed on Mandi's Blog that he has set up an Ispace.
and Tiffany at MaryKay.
Tag - you're it!