Monday, May 11, 2009


I would like to thank my husband and my children for a FABULOUS MOTHER'S DAY!
Mandi made us dinner.....and it was DELICIOUS!!! Mandi and Jenilyn also gave me a beautiful plaque last Sunday (Jenilyn is on a cruise right now.....hope you have a marvelous time!)

I know that Shane doesn't like having his birthday on Mother's Day but he was born the day before Mother's Day and to me that was very special. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANE!!!! He also came over to celebrate (ha, ha I caught him smiling!).

What darling's your ear Eli.....I hope you are okay from your fall!

Ken and I shared a rice bowl at Rumbi's on Saturday night and then he took me miniature golfing.....WOW....IT was SO wonderful!!!!! Thank you!!!!!

THEN....I would like to thank Tiffany and Brett! They took us out to eat Friday night and then we played games and had a BLAST!!!! Then.... even when they were going to Brett's Mom's for Mother's Day, they went to the trouble to actually come down long enough to say Happy Mother's Day and stay for just a couple of minutes and then they ran all the way back for their next appointment.
Thank you everyone for such and wonderful day.....It really is a PAY DAY when your children let you know that they love you!


Mandi Arrington said...

We had fun too! Eli's ear is fine. I like how in the picture of me it looks like I am pregnant.

Marsha said...

Wow! That was quite the party.

jenilynd said...

Happy late mom's day I am glad it was fun